To find the right lashing strap for your application, simply check the marking on the lashing strap label. In the case of single-part lashing straps, this is located at the end of the strap, and in the case of two-part lashing straps, it is located at the long and short ends. Here you will find all the performance features of this lashing strap. This is especially important for official inspections and saves you from having to stand around for a long time.
Our belts are marked with the following details:
- Lashing capacity (LC) in daN
- Standard hand force (SHF) in daN
- Standard tension force (STF value) in daN
- Warning
- Material specification
- Elongation of the strap in % value at LC value
- Name/symbol of the manufacturer
- Traceability code
- Standard specification (EN 12195-2)
- Year of manufacture
Lashing capacity Lashing capacity – LC): The maximum force that a lashing strap is designed for when used with straight tension.
Hand force (HF): Force on the handle of the tensioning element that generates the tensile strength in the lashing strap.
Standard hand force (SHF): Specified by 500 N = 50 daN on the label.
Standard tension force (STF): The force remaining after the handle of a ratchet has been released at the specified hand force of 50 daN.